-February 5, 2025-
2 PM Chair Yoga
6:30 PM Bible Study
-February 9, 2025-
5th Sunday of Epiphany
11 AM Service
Holy Communion
-February 10, 2025-
6:30 PM Zoom Council Meeting

You're invited to join the Good Shepherd LWML!

The LWML or Lutheran Women's Missionary League, is an organization of Lutheran women whose goals are centered in Christ-centered learning, telling the Good News about Jesus, partnering for diversity, and and building up our sisters in Christ.

The mission of the Lutheran Women's Missionary League is to "assist each woman of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world."

Good Shepherd's LWML meets after worship on the first Sunday of every month.

Event and ministires sponored by the LWML include our annual Easter breakfast, our Christmas cookie walk and craft sale, a card minisitry, soup label/education box top collection for Bethesda Lutheran Home, and various other donations.


© 2025 Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church | 470 Hurley Ave., Hurley, NY 12443 |